Exclusivo: entrevista com Tom Cruise
Numa das raras incursões nocturnas, e sublinho raras, pelo mundo do alterne e do negócio das carnes, Mutatis, que só se havia deslocado para ver o espectáculo de strip das 3 da matina e acompanhar um calejado amigo nessas lides, chegou à fala com esse gnu espiritual de seu nome Tom Cruise enquanto se aliviava, de pernas afastadas e palmas da mão osgadas no azulejo, no mictório. Depois de sacudir o sardanapalo, apercebi-me do vizinho que morava no mijadouro contíguo, alarve, de olhos cravados em mastro alheio:
Mutatis: Oh meu panelerio e se fuosses olhar mas é pá gaita do teu pai
Tom Cruise: Huh?
Mutatis: Trengo…dass lá vou eu ter de puxar os galões e por-me a falar estrangeiro ai a porra. Anything at all interesting happening in your life these days you stupid fuck?
Tom Cruise: Well, you know Mutatis, same old, same old. Nice dick by the way…
Mutatis: Roto…
Tom Cruise: You know, I just do what I do… See what I mean? I love peeping at dicks and I feel privileged to be able to do that, always.
Mutatis: Oh Tom…blow me! Come on...my face is already blushing!
Tom Cruise: And it's something that hum…I'm just living my life, you know Mutatis…
Mutatis: This time you are being so much more open Cruise... You've been in this bathroom in the past…you know…
Tom Cruise: I’m gonna eat the placenta!
Mutatis: Good for you! I sure know you want your bitch to give birth in silence according your Scientology cult and...
Tom Cruise: …I thought that would be good.
Mutatis: E na peida não vai nada?
Tom Cruise: Very nutritious.
Mutatis: I'm excited…It's something that I mean hum.... I'm too living my life Tom. And I'm doing the best that I can, and doing it in a way that I feel is right, but Placenta…
Tom Cruise: And I’m going to eat the cord and the placenta right there.
Mutatis: Yeah sure Tom…kind of a big meal…just the same old, same old story Tom...
Mutatis: Oh meu panelerio e se fuosses olhar mas é pá gaita do teu pai
Tom Cruise: Huh?
Mutatis: Trengo…dass lá vou eu ter de puxar os galões e por-me a falar estrangeiro ai a porra. Anything at all interesting happening in your life these days you stupid fuck?
Tom Cruise: Well, you know Mutatis, same old, same old. Nice dick by the way…
Mutatis: Roto…
Tom Cruise: You know, I just do what I do… See what I mean? I love peeping at dicks and I feel privileged to be able to do that, always.
Mutatis: Oh Tom…blow me! Come on...my face is already blushing!
Tom Cruise: And it's something that hum…I'm just living my life, you know Mutatis…
Mutatis: This time you are being so much more open Cruise... You've been in this bathroom in the past…you know…
Tom Cruise: I’m gonna eat the placenta!
Mutatis: Good for you! I sure know you want your bitch to give birth in silence according your Scientology cult and...
Tom Cruise: …I thought that would be good.
Mutatis: E na peida não vai nada?
Tom Cruise: Very nutritious.
Mutatis: I'm excited…It's something that I mean hum.... I'm too living my life Tom. And I'm doing the best that I can, and doing it in a way that I feel is right, but Placenta…
Tom Cruise: And I’m going to eat the cord and the placenta right there.
Mutatis: Yeah sure Tom…kind of a big meal…just the same old, same old story Tom...
Sim, Mutatis acredita que Tom irá comer a placenta do puto que há-de ser parido.
Não percam o próximo episódio, porque nós também não. Moral da história: Tirai o bedum do cabrito antes de o assardes.
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